Saturday, March 14, 2015

Haveil Havalim Jewish Blog Carnival

Sometimes we bounce off the motivation of others to get our juices flowing. That’s how I work anyway.  So I want thank the members of the Haveil Havalim bloggers community for encouraging me to host this week’s blog carnival. 

Havel Havelim is a long running, weekly international Jewish blog carnival that has been appearing well over a decade. It was begun by Soccer Dad who no longer blogs. He coordinated it for quite a while. Now we use our facebook page  to coordinate and publicize it. 

Next week’s Havel Havelim will be hosted by Yocheved Golani at Please read and be inspired to join us. You can send in your links to Yochved with a one-line description of your post and HH as the “subject.”  Feel free to address the theme of sacrifices as we begin Sefer Vayikra (no name-calling, and NO foul language. Focus on kedusha.) Our weekly deadline is before Shabbat.

I must say that there is a different feeling in Israel over the past couple of weeks. Maybe it’s the upcoming national elections (*gulp*) coming up this Tuesday.  Maybe it’s the post-marathon endorphins I’m vicariously experiencing  through those who actually ran the Jerusalem Marathon. Or it might be the happiness-residue from Purim (that, boys and girls, is what we call a "SUGAR HIGH". Now repeat after me: "SUGAR HIGHHHHH!"), or pre-Pesach anxiety.  I guess it’s all of this goodness together.  Adrenaline in Jerusalem is running high, and y'know what? I LIKE IT. 

And as long as the sun keeps shining and the cold stays on the other side of the Atlantic (so sorry, Boston, really), I’m one happy lady.

So, without further ado, here is the best of Jewish blogging from this week: 

The Sussmans, AKA the family of superheroes, experienced the true joy and  miracles of Purim last week. Check out their awesome costumes and story. 
Jacob Richman features 77 Jewish proverbs and Sayings, conveniently provided vowels, transliteration, English translation and audio. We are a wise people, indeed! 

Batya Medad offers her take the upcoming elections and on Bibi in particular. 
She also shares a bit of Long Island history as she travels the US. (I always wanted to know how LawnGuyIsland (yea that's one word) became so Jewish!) and how she celebrated Purim differently this year.

The Real Jerusalem Streets displays a photo gallery of the Jerusalem Marathon and more.
Yocheved Golani is gonna keep us in stitches (and she'll know how to treat them, too!) with her Pesakh Prep. Tune in to all of Yocheved's looks at how to laugh your way through Pesakh cleaning.)
The parasha offers inspiration for love and marriage for Ben-Tzion.
Aliyah Land displays a selection of her favorite advertisements that use Hebrew word plays and Passover puns to publicize sales and deals.
Please show your love and leave your comments here and at each blog to let us know that you stopped by. Thanks & Shavua Tov!